Catalino Sixto’s Yearning

Translated by Marvin Najarro It is 11:00 p.m., they have spent 16 hours amid the waste; mountains and mountains of it, looking for copper, glass, cardboard and plastic scraps. When they are lucky, they found packs of cookies and candies, which even if they get intoxicated, as has happened may times, they eat them in one bite, since hunger is stronger. That’s the waste picker’s life, ponders Calixto Sisto, who has also heard his parents and his neighborhood’s neighbors say the same thing. His hands and feet are covered with scars as a result of the many wounds caused by…

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Every Day That Passe, She Misses It Less

Translated by Katrina Hassan The only times that Nía Chenta’s daughter Caya had ever heard the sound of horse hoofs over cobblestones, were the nights she would stay at the pharmacy owner’s house to keep her company while her kids were away in the capital. The pharmacy lady asked Nía Chenta as a favour to let Caya stay the night until her kids would come back. This is how Caya first heard the sound of water running through the PVC pipes, she saw her first toilet, bath and a refrigerator. She also saw the electric iron, TV, remote control and…

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El retorno de Yeyo y los nietos de Papayo

Yeyo creció viendo cómo a su padre se le astillaba la espalda de tanto cargar sobre los hombros racimos de bananos tiernos en los días infernales del trópico en Chiapas y; a su madre llenarse de quemaduras los brazos haciendo dobladas de papa para vender a las afueras de la finca. Trabajadores de mil oficios, hicieron malabares para lograr sobrevivir como indocumentados en Tapachula, México; siempre en trabajos precarios, de mala paga y sin prestaciones, recorrieron el estado revés y derecho y siempre fue el mismo trato y pago. Por temporadas trabajaron en el corte de café, por el lado…

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The Echo of Roosters’ Calls

Translated  by Katrina Hassan She takes her son Yeyo, wraps him in her shawl and puts him on her back. On the table, Isaura sets down two changes of clothes, her barrette, the baby’s talcs, a pot of face cream and a pair of shoes with broken soles. She believes she can fix them when she arrives to her destination. She also has an envelope with pictures, and a few scraps of t-shirt that she turned into diapers. In a kitchen towel, she gathers a bag with a handful of salt, some pishtones, fat tortilla like patties filled with beans, she…

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O eco do canto dos galos

Tradução do Beatriz Cannabrava, Revista Diálogos do Sul Agarra seu filho Yeyo, o enrola na manta e o põe nas costas. Sobre a mesa coloca duas mudas de roupa, seu pente, os talcos do menino, um pote de creme para a cara, um par de sapatos com as solas rotas – que pensa que as pode mandar consertar quando chegar – um envelope com fotografias e uns pedaços de camisetas que transformou em fraldas. Em uma manta põe um saco com um punhado de sal, uns biscoitos que assou de manhã e o último pedaço de queijo que lhe resta. Uma…

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El eco del canto de los gallos 

Agarra a su hijo Yeyo, lo envuelve en el perraje y se lo pone en la espalda. Sobre la mesa coloca dos mudas de ropa, su peineta, los talcos del niño, un bote de crema para la cara, un par de zapatos con las suelas rotas -que piensa que las puede mandar a arreglar cuando llegue- un sobre con fotografías y  unos pedazos de playeras que hizo pañales. En una manta pone una bolsa con un puño de sal, unos pishtones que torteó en la mañana y el último pedazo de queso oreado que le queda. Una cabeza de ajo, dos…

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Sempre di meno

Tradotto da Monica Manicardi Le uniche volte in cui Caya de nía Chenta ha sentito il rumore degli zoccoli dei cavalli sul selciato era di notte mentre faceva compagnia alla signora della farmacia quando i suoi figli stavano andando in gita nella capitale, chiedendo  un favore a nía Chenta affinché rimanesse a dormire con lei mentre tornavano. Fu così che  Caya sentì il rumore dell’acqua potabile che scorreva attraverso il tubo in pvc, vide in quella casa  per la prima volta anche un wc,  un lavandino e un frigorifero. Un ferro da stiro elettrico, una televisione con telecomando e un asciugacapelli. Com’era diverso il…

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