
Translated  by Marvin Najarro 
Write, write, write, write.
Write if it rains, if it is sunny, if it is cloudy, with candlelight, amid the noise, the silence, at dawn, at noon, in the bathroom, on the bus, on the street, in the confinement of alienation.
Write in drunkenness, sobriety, distress, tears, loss, and abandonment. In alienation. In abundance. In addiction. Despite the circumstances, write.

Write without shame, in shyness, embarrassment, without fear, in spite of panic, without decorum, in anxiety, joy, hysteria, pain, uncertainty, and ecstasy. Write without restrain, without delicacy, with tenderness, with anger, without haste, in urgency, in solitude. Write, write, write.
Write in nakedness, guilt, restlessness, in the open air, warmth, paranoia; write in dissatisfaction, questioning, calmness, and discontent. Write, write, write.
Write with thirst, in agony, with the open wound; write in flesh and blood, in recovery, brokenness, as therapy, companionship, catharsis, expression, and fulfillment. Write, write, write.
Write in distrust, in the void, as healing. To write heals, cures, strengthen, illuminates, satisfy; to write relieves. Write, write, write at all times, every day; as breathing…
If you share this text in another website and/or social media, please cite the original source and URL: https://cronicasdeunainquilina.wordpress.com/2017/10/09/write/
Ilka Oliva Corado @ilkaolivacorado contacto@cronicasdeunainquilina.wordpress.com

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